From healthy recipes to cooking tips, Tanya O'Connor MS, shares recipes and information designed to help home child care providers (and everyone else) serve nutritious meals and live healthier lives.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Making Hand Washing Fun!
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cookbooks and Portion Distortion
The study found that the calories per serving in all of the recipes increased (by two-thirds on average). This was a result of not only the addition of more higher-calorie ingredients such as butter, meat, and sugar, but was also due to larger serving sizes. For example, in the 1997 edition of the cookbook, the basic waffle recipe made 12 six-inch waffles. In 2006, the same ingredients made about six waffles.
What can you do? Remember to be wary of the definition of a "serving" when dining out or preparing a recipe a home. You can often get a better idea of what a serving really is by looking at the calorie content of the "serving" (if it is available). Another strategy for controlling your calorie intake is to concentrate on filling 2/3 of your plate with plant foods (fruits, vegetables and whole grains). The size of dinner plates has grown substantially over the years too. By using smaller plates (9-inch diameter or smaller), you can feel satisfied with an appropriate amount of food at meal time.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Home Child Care and Exercise
The study was conducted by Oregon State University's Stewart Trost who is an expert on childhood obesity issues. First the good news: he found that most providers did "pretty well" in regards to serving nutritious foods and teaching children about healthy eating habits. A couple of nutrition concerns he did have included the use of whole milk in children over the age of 2, and the overuse of fruit juice in the menus. Children over the age of 2 do not need the extra saturated fat that comes with a serving of whole milk. Skim and lowfat milk both provide the same nutrients as whole milk but at a lower calorie cost! Juice should be limited to 4 ounces per day and fruit should be served instead so that children get the benefit of healthy fiber.
The "not-so-good: news? 2/3 of the providers reported that they had the tv on most of the day! Also, many providers reported that the children sat for extended periods during the day. Remember that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than 2 hours of television per day for children between the ages of 2 and 5, and none for children under the age of 2. You may also recall that it is recommended that toddlers should accumulate at least 30 minutes of structured physical activity every day and at least 60 minutes unstructured physical activity every day. For preschoolers, the recommendations are 60 minutes structured and at least 60 minutes unstructured.
An interesting fact from the study was that the majority of the providers had not received any training in physical activity. While this is not a requirement of the job, it does help to know the developmental skills for each age group of children. Then you can find activities to enhance these skills.
The following website is an excellent resource if you are looking for ideas on how to get your kids moving : !
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sweet Potato Puffs
Sweet Potato Puffs (adapted from Parents magazine recipe)
You will need:
1 large sweet potato
1/4 cup skim milk
3 Tablespoons instant potato flakes (not granules)
1/2 Tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 egg whites
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Poke holes in the sweet potato. Microwave the sweet potato for 9 minutes or until cooked through. Cut in half; let cool.
3. Scrape the sweet potato into a bowl. Add milk, potato flakes, brown sugar and salt. Whip with an electric mixer until smooth.
4. In another bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
5. Fold egg whites into potato mixture.
6. Coat a baking sheet with vegetable cooking spray.
7. If using a cookie cutter, spray the cutter with cooking spray. Place the cutter on the baking sheet, and fill with potato mixture.
8. Lift the cookie cutter up to create the fish.
(If not using cookie cutter, drop mixture by Tablespoonfuls onto baking sheet. Flatten slightly into circle shapes.)
9. Repeat with remaining potato mixture.
10. Bake 15 minutes or until puffed. Serve immediately if possible. (If you don't the puffs will deflate a little but still taste great!)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Breakfast in a cup
Scrambled Eggs in a Mug
You will need:
1 egg and 1 egg white
1 Tablespoon skim milk
1-2 Tablespoons salsa (optional)
1 Tablespoon lowfat shredded cheese (optional)
Spray the inside of a microwave-safe mug with non-stick cooking spray.
Pour the egg, egg white and milk into the mug. Beat well.
Cover with waxed paper and microwave on full power for 45 seconds.
Stir. Cook 30 seconds more.
Stir in salsa and cheese if using.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Don't Get Caught Up in the Berry Hype
Like many other fruits, goji berries are a rich source of vitamin C, carotenoids, and other antioxidants. In animal and test tube studies, goji berries have been shown to have antioxidant, and immune-enhancing properties. However, research involving actual humans and goji berry consumption has been very sparse and poorly executed. The acai berry research is equally inconclusive. Most of the studies on acai have also been done in test tubes and on animals.
Despite the lack of evidence for the all of the claims for these two berries, there is no doubt that berries in general (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.) are a healthy addition to your diet. They are naturally high in fiber, vitamin C, folate, potassium, and manganese. While there is not much harm in eating the goji or acai berries if you like the taste of them (except that they are VERY expensive), it is important to remember that variety is a key to good nutrition. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, instead of relying solely on one type of berry's contributions, will provide you with the healthy plant fiber; vitamins; minerals and antioxidants that you need. In fact, research has shown that the "synergistic" effect of eating many different kinds of fruits and vegetables every day (and not "putting all of your eggs in one berry" so to speak) is very valuable indeed.
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Food Safety Widget
Monday, November 16, 2009
Are you making this common cooking mistake?

Potatoes are one good example of how food preparation can change a food's nutrients. A medium baked potato contains about 17 milligrams of vitamin C (approximately 23% of an adult woman's daily needs) and about 160 calories. If you peel the potato and boil it to make mashed potatoes, much of the vitamin C and potassium will be lost in the water. If you eat your potato in the form of french fries instead; the potato will likely be peeled, cut and fried. This will destroy many of the nutrients and you would have to eat about 1,600 calories worth of fries to get that same 17 milligrams of vitamin C (not to mention all of the extra fat and sodium found in the french-fried potatoes).
Here is another interesting vitamin fact that you may not know. Do you know why milk is sold most often in cartons and opaque plastic jugs? The answer is that riboflavin, a necessary B vitamin, is destroyed by light. Milk is an important source of riboflavin in the typical American's diet along with enriched grains, whole grains, poultry, fish and some vegetables.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Lovely lentils

What's in them? Just 1/2 cup of lentils provides nearly as much fiber as two cups of cooked oatmeal. The fiber in lentils is the soluble kind which can help lower blood cholesterol. Lentils are also rich in iron, protein, folate, magnesium and potassium. Lentils are considered a "nutrient-rich" food because they offer many nutrients yet lentils are low in calories.
Which ones should you choose? There are different types of lentils you can use depending on what type of recipe you are making. Brown and green lentils hold their shape after being cooked so they are ideal to use in salads, side dishes and entrees. Red lentils are often used in soups because they break down and become soft and act as a thickening agent. You can find lentils among the bags of beans at your local grocery store. You will usually find more varieties of lentils at health food stores where they are often found in the bulk section.
Here is my kids' favorite lentil soup recipe. As with all soups, this tastes best if you can make it the day before serving it and let the flavor develop in the refrigerator overnight.
Lentil Stew
2 medium carrots, sliced
2 celery ribs, sliced
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons canola oil
3 cups water
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
1 can (14.5 oz) vegetable broth
1 cup dry lentils, rinsed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 can (28oz) diced tomatoes with no added salt, undrained
1 (4oz) can chopped green chilies
In a Dutch oven, cook the carrots, celery, onion and garlic in the canola oil until the veggies are almost tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in the water, potatoes, broth, lentils, salt, cumin,, and cayenne pepper; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 40 minutes or until potatoes are tender, stirring occasionally. Add tomatoes and chilies. Heat through.
Makes 28 servings. Each serving creditable for 1/4 cup of the fruit/vegetable component for 3-5 year old children at lunch or supper.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Winter squash
Squash is most commonly split in half and baked; but it can be used in soups, stews, sauces and breads. Here is a quick and tasty "souffle" recipe using squash.
Butternut Squash Souffle
2 cups cooked, mashed squash
2 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon canola oil
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup skim milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine the squash, butter and oil. Mix well. Blend in the sugar, milk, salt and cinnamon. Add the eggs and vanilla; beat well. Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 1 1/2 quart dish. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until set.
Makes 8 servings. Each serving creditable for 1/4 cup of the fruit/vegetable component at lunch or supper for 3-5 year old children.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Web resources for home child care providers
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Helping kids build stronger bones
Building healthy bones is very important for young children! Up until the age of about 30, the human body builds healthy bone (if a "bone-building" diet is followed). After this age, it is not possible to increase one's bone density. It is therefore key for children to build a healthy skeleton while they are young. Building very dense bones when you are young ensures a greater reserve of bone so that as age-associated degradation occurs, the chances of developing osteoporosis are decreased. In addition, strong and healthy bones are less likely to break.
Just what is included in a "bone-building" diet?
Calcium- our bodies need calcium to build healthy teeth and bones. Calcium can be found in milk and dairy products as well as in foods such as fortified orange juice, tofu and leafy greens.
Potassium- potassium-rich fruits and vegetables can help make bones stronger. Serve bananas, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, oranges, potatoes, leafy greens and other potassium-rich foods every day.
Vitamin D- vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium and is therefore vital for building bone. Unfortunately, most kids do not get enough vitamin D. Our bodies can make vitamin D from the sun shining on our skin. However, in the winter here in Colorado we are too far north to get enough direct sunlight for this to happen. Make sure to include food sources of vitamin D such as fortified milk, eggs, fish, and mushrooms. If you are relying on yogurt to get your vitamin D, be sure and check the label. Many brands of yogurt are not made with fortified milk and do not contain vitamin D.
Sodium- too much sodium in the diet can cause calcium to be leached out of our bones and excreted in the urine. Most kids eat way too much salt in a day so this can be a big problem. Remember, most of the sodium in an average child's diet comes from processed foods. Cut down on processed foods by serving more fresh, whole foods and take the salt shaker off of the table.
Soda- not only does soda hurt a child's diet by replacing milk at mealtime, it also contains phosphoric acid. It is thought that phosphoric acid can cause calcium to be leached out of bones.
And finally, not a diet recommendation but still very important:
Exercise- children need "weight-bearing" exercise to build healthy bone. Weight-bearing exercise is any exercise that involves making your body work against gravity. Examples include walking, hiking, running, and all activities that involve these skills such as playing tag.
Don't forget your own diet! It is important for adults to follow these dietary and exercise tips too. Did you know that approximately 10 million Americans older than 50 years old have osteoporosis and an additional 34 million are at risk? You can keep your bones healthy and strong for a longer period of time by taking these tips to heart.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Cranberry time
Cranberries are usually only available in the store from October through December, so be sure to buy some soon. Fortunately, they do freeze well and can be stored in the freezer for use later on in the year.
Here is one of my kid's favorite cranberry recipes, the creamy yogurt adds a nice sweetness to downplay the tartness of the berries.
Cranberry Waldorf Salad
Makes 16 servings. Each serving is creditable for 1/4 cup of the fruit/vegetable component at lunch or supper for 3-5 year old children.
You will need:
1 1/2 cups chopped cranberries
1 cup chopped red apple (leave the peel on)
1 cup seedless green grapes, halved
1/2 cup raisins*
1/4 cup chopped walnuts*
1 1/2 Tablespoons sugar
8 ounces lowfat vanilla yogurt
1. Combine all ingredients, toss to coat.
2. Cover and chill 2 hours. Stir before serving.
*can be a choking hazard.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Whole fruit vs juice
Need more convincing? Plants put a lot of potent natural compounds into the outer layer of their fruit. This is meant to protect the plant's seeds from predators and from the environment. The bonus for us is that these natural compounds are good for our bodies. The phytochemicals and antioxidants found in fruits are thought to decrease our risk of certain chronic diseases. When fruit is processed into juice, many of these antioxidants are destroyed. There is also further loss when the juice is stored for long periods of time.
1 cup orange juice - 110 calories, 0 g fiber, 137% vitamin C req. for the day
1 large orange- 85 calories, 4 g fiber, 163% vitamin C req. for the day
It all adds up, fruit is the wiser choice for better nutrition!
Monday, October 19, 2009
A Healthy Diet Can Help Play An Important Role In Controlling Asthma Symptoms

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Mother (nature) knows best!
1 Sánchez et al. The possible role of human milk nucleotides as sleep inducers. Nutritional Neuroscience, 2009; 12 (1): 2 DOI: 10.1179/147683009X388922
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Are you getting enough grains?
Are you wondering just how to get six servings of grains in your daily diet? The Grain Foods Council recently launched a "Daily 6" campaign to encourage healthy grain consumption. The group states that eating enough grains is "as easy as having cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and a cup of pasta with dinner." This is a great way to look at it, and if you make your sandwich on whole wheat bread, and choose either a whole grain cereal or whole grain pasta, you have even succeeded in making half of your grains whole! One serving of grain is one slice of bread, 1 cup of ready to eat cereal, or 1/2 cup of cooked pasta, rice or hot cereal.
Looking for whole grain recipes? Here are a few resources:
*The Harris Interactive poll of 2,106 US adults.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Great suggestions!
We have been getting quite a few wonderful suggestions from our providers about how they add variety to their meals and how they keep their menus exciting for their children. We included some of these suggestions in our latest monitoring unit but we wanted to post some more here because there were so many we didn't have room for. It has made me smile to read about all of the ways our providers are making their mealtimes fun!
Here are some more suggestions:
- Call hamburgers and sloppy joes "crabby patties".
- Squeeze happy faces with ketchup on the children's plates.
- Use dinner roll dough to make "roll animals" such as turtles.
- Make a "waffle pizza". Spread spaghetti sauce on the waffle and have children put ingredients in each waffle hole (chunks of ham, chicken, cheese, grape tomatoes, pepper, pineapple).
- Put chopped grapes and finely diced celery into chicken salad for a crunchy texture.
- Serve an all finger food meal-no forks or knives needed!
- Stir cereal into yogurt for extra crunch.
- Serve a variety of shapes on the plate- circle, triangle, rectangle.
- Serve the "smiley face" potatoes that can be found in the store with the frozen french fries.
- Color the food to match a holiday (Valentine's day, St. Patrick's day, etc.)
These helpful suggestions just keep coming in so I will post more as I get them. If you are a Wildwood provider who sent a suggestion in, thank you!
Friday, September 11, 2009
More free resources
You can get a free Beech-Nut baby food starter kit and coupons if you sign up for their eNewsletter:
If you are exploring ways help the environment, the EPA has a free book that would be a great addition to your lesson plans. You can order a free copy of The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned up by calling 1-800-490-9198 and asking for item # EPA420-K-07-001 (limit one book per household). For more information, their website is:
If you know of any more free resources, feel free to share them!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Try something new!
Spaghetti squash is lower in calories than regular wheat pasta. The squash has 42 calories per cup vs. the 220 calories per cup in spaghetti. It also provides beta-carotene (vitamin A) and three times the potassium of pasta. On the other hand, the pasta has more iron and protein than the squash. If you choose a whole-wheat pasta, you will get more fiber in the pasta than in the squash.
Bottom line: if you are looking for a fun way to serve a new vegetable, serve the squash! It is a nutrient-rich food and a fun way to serve an orange vegetable. (The squash is creditable as a vegetable, not a bread. So if you choose the squash, serve another bread at the meal) If you choose to serve the regular pasta, serve a whole-wheat version for a nutrient-rich choice.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Too many cucumbers?
Creamy Cucumber Salad
you will need:
9 cups thinly sliced cucumbers (peeled or not)
8 green onions, thinly sliced
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1/2 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup fat-free evaporated milk
1/4 cup cider vinegar
2 drops Tabasco sauce
In a large bowl, combine the first five ingredients and stir well. In a small bowl, combine the remaining ingredients; pour over cuke mixture and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Free Fit for Kids DVD
Get Ready for the Flu
When I took my son to the pediatrician last week, he said that there will likely be two flu shots offered this fall, one for H1N1 and one for the seasonal flu. I am just hoping that the flu season will turn out to be less of an epidemic than predicted!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Vitamin D and Kids
There are a couple of reasons for the vast number of children not getting enough D. Children are spending more time inside and not getting the sunshine they need to produce vitamin D naturally in their bodies. In addition, milk is often replaced by soda or juice at mealtime, leading to less vitamin D in the diet. The use of sunscreen may also be a factor. It is still appropriate to put sunscreen on your children, but a couple of times a week you need to allow children to get about 15 minutes of sunshine on their arms, legs or back before applying the sunscreen.
For more information :
Friday, July 31, 2009
Kids and TV

A recent study: shows that watching food advertisments while eating in front of the tve can spur children to eat even more.
Bottom line: Don't allow children or yourself to eat while watching tv. Teach children about "mindful" eating. For example, take time to savor and enjoy your food. While eating with your children, talk about the juiciness of the oranges, the nice cold milk, or whatever else you are enjoying about your meal.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Benefits of Barley
If you have been anywhere near the cereal aisle of your local store lately, you are probably aware that eating oats can help lower your cholesterol. The Quaker Oats company and Cheerios have made this a big part of their marketing campaigns ("Cheerios can reduce your cholesterol" shouts out at you from the Cheerios box. "Unleash the power of the oat" says the Quaker Oats box.) But, something you might not know, is that barley contains the same cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber that oats do (beta-glucan). Recent studies have shown that people who regularly eat barley have the same reductions in LDL ("bad") cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol that oat eaters do.
Barley is a little different than most whole grains because barley contains fiber throughout its entire kernel. (The fiber in most other whole grains is concentrated in the outer bran layer of the grain). So even the processed varieties of barley retain some of the healthy fiber found in whole barley.
Many different forms of barley can be found on your supermarket's shelves. These include whole, pearled, flakes,"quick", grits, and flour. Pearled barley is the most common type of barley. It goes through a "pearling" process in which the hull and bran parts of the grain are removed. Some of the nutrients are lost in the process, but it cooks faster. Whole barley (sometimes called "hulled" or "hull-less" barley) has had the inedible hull removed but retains many more nutrients than pearled barley. The downside is, of course, that it takes much longer to cook.
How to use it?
Barley is a great addition to soups and stews, or it can be used instead of rice in a side dish.
My favorite time saving tip is to cook a big batch of barley and freeze it. It can then be added to soups or casseroles as needed.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Save the Date-Fall Wildwood Conference
Wildwood will be presenting our fall conference on September 26, 2009. We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with Children's Hospital, and the conference will be at their new hospital location (Colfax and I-225). The conference will be from 7:30-4:30 and the registration cost is $30. For your registration fee, you can enjoy a light breakfast and lunch, plus 7 hours of continuing education credits. I will be presenting a nutrition workshop, plus we have many other great speakers and activities. I will be posting more information soon about how to register.
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Food Safety
Remember though, "When in doubt, throw it out". It can be financially painful to have to throw out all of the food in your refrigerator, but getting food poisoning and the ensuing medical bills is worse.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The "Unnatural" Truth
You may be surprised to learn that the answer is false! Food companies can use the word "natural" on any food label, regardless of the ingredients contained in the food. Unlike the term "organic", "natural" is not regulated by the USDA. (The one exception to this is meat and poultry. "Natural" meat and poultry must be free of artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and other such ingredients. However, the term does not refer to how the meat was raised.)
I was disappointed to read that the nation's largest organic dairy company, Dean's (Horizon Dairy), has chosen to exploit the fact that most people do not know that there is a difference between "natural" and "organic". Dean's is launching a new "natural" line of products that will be less expensive than their organic products because they won't be organic.,0,6783490.story
What does the organic seal on a food label mean? Foods bearing the organic label must meet or exceed standards set in 2002's National Organic Program. They are grown without synthetic pesticides, bio engineered genes, and fertilizers made with petroleum or sewage sludge. Organic foods must also be grown using tactics that promote biodiversity and renewable resources. Livestock labeled "organic" must have access to the outdoors and cannot be given antibiotics or growth hormones.
The bottom line is: "organic" is regulated and means something. "Natural" can be slapped on any label and is usually just marketing mumbo-jumbo. I personally think that it is too bad that food companies are taking advantage of the reputation built by organic farmers over the years by confusing the public with their "natural" claims.
What's a consumer to do? I like to recommend that people ignore all of the "healthy", "natural" and other words on the front of food labels and go straight to the ingredient list. Look for foods with ingredients that you can recognize and pronounce. The fewer ingredients a product has, the better. Products with an extra long list of ingredients usually have a bunch of preservatives and additives that you don't really want. Finally, get rid of the belief that anything labeled "organic" or "natural" is automatically a great choice. Potato chips and other snack foods should not make up the bulk of your diet, even if they are organic. Remember, most of the healthiest foods do not even require a food label (apples, carrots, strawberries, etc.) because they are not packaged.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Quick Pizza Dough

I would like to share with you a recipe for pizza dough that I use frequently. It is made the day before you need it and stored in the refrigerator. I have found this really improves the texture, makes it easier to roll out, and it tastes more like delivery pizza dough. It also makes meal preparation easier since you make it ahead of time. My family loves this pizza dough!
Bread Machine Pizza Dough
3/4 cup warm (not hot) water
1 1/4 teaspoons yeast
1 Tablespoon sugar
2 1/4 cups bread flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 Tablespoons olive oil
Combine the water, sugar and yeast in a small bowl or liquid measuring cup and stir until the yeast and sugar dissolve. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes or until it starts to foam. Place the flour, salt and olive oil in the bread machine pan. Pour the yeast mixture into the bread pan on top of the flour mixture. Set the bread machine for "dough" setting. When the dough cycle is complete, put the dough into a greased bowl and cover. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Take dough out about 1 hour before you are ready to make pizza.
You can substitute whole wheat flour for some of the bread flour. I have had good success using the "white" whole wheat flour.
Picture by Pizza Review
Monday, July 6, 2009
Green Giants!

Rain! We have had more than our share this spring and summer, and it has brought an abundance of leafy greens to Colorado stores and farmers markets. Lettuces, kale, beet greens, spinach, and other greens are plentiful and inexpensive right now.
Greens are worth seeking out because they are a nutrition "bargain"! By "bargain" I mean that they are packed with nutrients, fiber, and phytochemicals but have very few calories. Hidden in their beautiful green leaves are vitamins A,C, and K; potassium; folic acid; iron; calcium and magnesium. Their vibrant green color also alerts us to the fact that they are full of antioxidants with cancer-fighting abilities. Two of these antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthine, are thought to help protect our eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration (a leading cause of blindness in older adults).
Most children do not get enough vegetables in their diets, and they are woefully lacking in the leafy green variety. We know that the most commonly eaten vegetable in the U.S. is the potato, not spinach. I read an article in the Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter a few years ago stating that the reason most Americans don't eat very many greens is that they don't know how to cook and serve them, often steaming them up and then adding a pat of butter as an afterthought. They had a quote from a researcher at Greece's Medical School in Athens saying that the reason Greeks and other peoples of the Mediterranean eat more leafy greens, is that they make them taste good by sauteing them in olive oil or stir-frying them. Their point was, spend a few extra calories to make vegetables taste good so that you will actually eat them and get all the benefits of their nutrients. I think this is especially important when preparing vegetables for young children. There is really no point in making them if the children won't eat them.
Steaming greens and then adding some olive oil and a squeeze of lemon is often all you need to make them taste better. You can also use red and green leaf lettuce or romaine in your tossed salads if your children like those. Spinach is very mild and children will often accept chopped spinach if it is added to dishes such as omelets or casseroles.
Here are a few of the recipes included in that Tufts newsletter that I have served successfully to my own children:
Toasted Walnut Topping
Toast 3 Tablespoons of chopped walnuts* and 1 Tablespoon of minced onion in 1 teaspoon of butter in a small skillet, stirring over medium heat until fragrant and light golden, 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in 2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar. Stir in salt and pepper to taste. Toss with 2 cups cooked green beans, broccoli, spinach or Swiss chard.
*Note: nuts can be a choking hazard for children under 4.
Spicy Peanut Sauce
Combine 1/4 cup natural peanut butter and 2 Tablespoons boiling water and stir until smooth. Stir in 1 Tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce, 1 Tablespoon lime juice, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 1 clove minced garlic, and 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional). Spoon over 2 cups cooked green beans, broccoli, bok choy, or cabbage.
What are your favorite ways to serve leafy greens to your children? If you have a recipe tip please feel free to share in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!
photo by tiffanywashko
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Beautiful berries!
Not only do berries taste great, they are nutrition powerhouses! Blueberries are full of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. In addition, berries are brimming with antioxidants.
Serve berries for a snack by themselves or mixed with yogurt. They are also wonderful in smoothies. Here is one of my kids' favorite blueberry muffin recipes. It originally came from the Good Housekeeping Children's Cookbook, but we have adapted it some. Check out the recipe section of the Wildwood website (the link is below) for a raspberry muffin recipe that is equally delicious!
Blueberry Corn Muffins
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (if using frozen, do not thaw)
1 cup all-purpose, enriched flour
1 cup yellow cornmeal (preferably stone-ground)
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup oil (canola or other vegetable oil)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Place a cupcake liner in each of 12 muffin cups or spray with nonstick cooking spray.
Combine the flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large mixing bowl. With a wooden spoon, stir until well combined.
Combine the egg, buttermilk and oil in a separate bowl. With a fork, beat the buttermilk mixture until well combined.
Stir the buttermilk mixture into the flour mixture until just moistened. Do not mix too much, it should be lumpy. Fold in the blueberries.
Fill the muffin cups with batter.
Bake for about 18 minutes or until golden brown.
Allow to cool for 5 minutes in the pan and then remove to a wire rack to finish cooling.
Makes 12 muffins. Each muffin creditable for 3 servings bread/bread alternate for 1-5 year old children at any meal.
Get your berries soon! They will be out of season before you know it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hungry Monkey

I don't know about you, but I like hearing about other people's experiences and challenges when feeding young children. The child care providers on our program have shared with me many stories of both their "picky" and more venturesome eaters. These stories have run the gamut from the predictable to the downright astounding!
If you enjoy this type of story, I would highly recommend a book that I just read, Hungry Monkey by Matthew Amster-Burton. Mr. Amster-Burton is a Seattle food critic who is determined to raise his daughter to enjoy all types of food. He describes the story as "a food-loving father's quest to raise an adventerous eater". This book is full of funny stories about his quest, witty comments, and some great recipes (he even suggests which parts of each recipe the kids can help with). You will also find some perfect examples of why it is a good idea to invite your kids into the kitchen with you.
While I didn't agree with all of the author's "kid-feeding" methods, I did appreciate his inclusion of the wisdom of Ellyn Satter (division of responsibility) in his discussion. In my own personal experience, I have found her advice key to raising my children to be the non-picky/adventerous eaters that they are today.
A great book!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Who needs sleep?
Recently when I doing some research for our upcoming workshop on diabetes, I found some additional information about children and sleep. I was aware that many children do not get enough sleep (it seems that in our constantly "on-the-go" society, sleep often gets put on the back burner and is a low priority). But what really surprised me was all the physical results that take place in the body when you don't get enough sleep!
Here are some of the highlights:
A good night's sleep is necessary for healthy brain functioning. It also helps children to heal and grow. The amount of sleep a child gets also affects their moods, behavior, and ability to learn. Sleep deprived children may become grumpy, cry easily, and be more accident-prone.
The most surprising studies are the ones which have linked the risk of obesity with not getting enough sleep. Getting too little sleep is thought to contribute to obesity by increasing caloric intake due to hormonal secretion. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to the development of pre-diabetes. I am sure you are aware of the current obesity epidemic among our children. Making sure they get enough sleep is another way we can help them maintain a healthy weight.
How much sleep do kids need? Often, adults make the mistake of thinking that their children need the same amount of sleep as they do. They don't realize how much sleep young children need to be healthy. Doctors and other experts have recommended the following amounts of sleep for young children:
Newborns 11-18 hours
Infants 14-15 hours
Toddlers 12-14 hours
Preschoolers 11-13 hours
School-Age 10-11 hours
Here are some tips for good sleep "hygiene":
1) Establish a regular bedtime routine
2) About one hour before bed: Engage in relaxing, non-alerting activity (such as reading-avoid the tv and computer). Don't drink or eat too much close to bedtime.
3) Make the sleep environment conducive to sleep: cooler temperatures, dark, and quiet.
4) Watch out for caffeine in soft drinks (or other drinks). Caffeine should not be a part of children's diets and can interfere with sleep.
Sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Do your part by helping children establish good sleep practices!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Don't forget the white!

You are probably aware that you should be eating (and serving to the children in your care) a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Striving for a "rainbow" of produce on your plate every day is a very good goal. But what about that often forgotten group of the "rainbow", the white group? The white group of fruits and vegetables is frequently overlooked because many people believe that if produce is not "bright", it has no significant nutritional value. This is simply not true. It's a fact that brightly colored fruits and vegetables are full of beneficial nutrients, just don't underestimate the nutritional value of the white, tan, and brown group! These fruits and vegetables are full of powerful phytochemicals and are packed with disease fighting nutrients. (Not to mention the fact that they are pretty tasty too)!
Tip: Eat a variety of produce from this group which includes:
onions, garlic, cauliflower, jicama, parsnips, mushrooms, potatoes, turnips, kohlrabi, bananas, white nectarines, white peaches, brown pears, brown lentils, soybeans, and white beans.
I recently received some turnips as part of my weekly share from the CSA farm where I have a membership. I will have to admit that turnips are not one of my favorite vegetables (love the greens, just not the turnip part). But, I believe that the reason for this was that I had not discovered the right recipe for turnips yet. I went in search of a turnip recipe and found one that really loved! I wanted to share it with you in case you too are a reluctant turnip eater. I hope that you try this recipe soon, (my kids loved it too).
Note: You could probably leave the pepper out if you have kids who do not like it.
Honey-Peppered Turnips
1 Tablespoon butter
1 1/2 Tablespoons honey
1 bunch turnips, cut into 1/4 inch cubes (peel if large)
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
salt to taste
Melt the butter with the honey in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir in the turnips and pepper. Cook, covered, until tender, about 12 minutes. Add salt to taste. Serve warm.
Each 1/4 cup serving is creditable for 1/4 cup of the fruit/vegetable component at lunch or supper.
Tip: Turnips are a good source of vitamin B6, calcium, folate, potassium and copper. They are a very good source of fiber, vitamin c, and manganese.
If you are interested in learning more about eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day, or teaching your kids about this, please see the link below. You will find activity sheets and lesson plans from the Produce for Better Health Foundation.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Cooking with millet-not just for the birds!
These savory millet patties are from an Eating Well recipe that I slightly adapted. I loved them as is, and enjoyed the slight lemony taste. My kids preferred dipping them in ketchup!
Note: The recipe stated that you could prepare the cakes and shape them into patties ahead of time (through step 4) and then cook them when you needed them. I prepared them ahead of time through step 5 and placed them in the refrigerator. Come dinnertime, it was easy to simply microwave them until they were hot.
Savory Millet Patties-adapted from Eating Well Magazine
1 Tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
1 cup millet
1 clove garlic, minced
3 1/2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt (such as sea salt)
1/3 cup coarsely shredded zucchini
1/3 cup coarsely shredded carrot
1/3 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest (finely grated)
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1) Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Add onion and cook, stirring, until softened, 2-4 minutes. Stir in millet and garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
2) Add water and salt and bring to boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook, stirring once or twice, for 20 minutes. Stir in zucchini, carrot, Parmesan, thyme, lemon zest, and pepper.
3) Cook, uncovered, maintaining a simmer and stirring often to keep the millet from sticking, until the mixture is soft, very thick and the liquid has been absorbed, about 10 minutes more. Remove from the heat and let stand covered, for 10 minutes. Uncover and let stand, stirring once or twice, until cool enough to handle, about 30 minutes.
4) With dampened hands, shape the millet mixture into 14 cakes or patties( each about 3 inches in diameter).
5) Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Add 4 millet cakes and cook until the bottoms are browned, 3-5 minutes. Carefully turn the cakes with a wide spatula and cook until the other side is browned, 3-5 minutes more. Coat the pan with cooking spray again and cook the remaining cakes in batches, reducing the heat if necessary to prevent burning.
Makes 14 patties. Each patty is creditable for 1 bread/bread alternate serving for 3-5 year old children at any meal or snack.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Still confused about whole grains?
As you may know, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines encourage us to "make half of our grains whole". In other words, half of the bread or grain servings a child is eating in a day should be whole grains. Unfortunately, we know that the average American child only gets about one serving of whole grains in a day. This is unfortunate because they are missing out in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber found in whole grains.
Do you know how to identify whole grains in the store to serve to the children in your care?
There are a couple of easy steps that you can follow to make sure you are buying nutritious whole grains for your kids. First of all, when food shopping, you can look for the whole grain "stamp". This stamp was developed by the Whole Grains Council, and products that have the stamp on their label must contain at least 8 grams of whole grains per serving (equal 1/2 of 1 of your whole grain servings for the day). So, eating 6 servings of one of these products would equal 3 total servings of whole grain. There are also variations of the stamp (such as the picture below on the right) that indicate a product contains more than 8 grams per serving and that will be indicated on the stamp. Keep in mind that food manufacturers must pay to have this stamp placed on their product. Products that don't have the stamp can still be whole grain.

No stamp? The next best way to determine if a product contains whole grains is to check out the ingredient list. Remember, ingredients are listed with the most predominant ingredient first. So make sure that the first ingredient is a whole grain! For example, look for a bread label that has whole wheat flour as the first ingredient. "Wheat" flour is essentially white flour and is not the same thing. The word "whole" should precede the name of the grain.
Finally, consider cooking up your own whole grains. You can buy grains at the store such as quinoa, teff, amaranth, brown rice, millet, or barley and cook them (it's even cheaper to buy them in bulk at stores such as Whole Foods or Sunflower). By doing this you will know for sure you are getting the whole grain and nothing has been removed!
If you missed our whole grain workshop last year, check out the recipe section on our website ( for some of our favorite whole grain recipes.
Food for thought-book recommendation

Daphne Miller, MD, was inspired by her patients to find out why indigenous populations around the world live healthier lives. I recently read her book "The Jungle Effect" and found it full of hopeful stories from around the world.
Dr. Miller's original inspiration for this book came in the form of a patient named Angela. Angela came to Dr. Miller's office overweight, with elevated blood pressure, and pain in her knees. A review of her health history revealed a history of being overweight and fatigued since childhood. The only time Angela recalled feeling good was when she went to live with her father's relatives in the rain forest, in a community that lived and ate the indigenous foods of their ancestors (fish soup, taro, beans, and fruit). Coincidentally, 6 months after meeting Angela, Dr. Miller was volunteering in a small village in the Amazon basin located very close to Angela's father's family home. She noticed that the elders in the village did not suffer from the chronic diseases that older people in the US suffer from such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. She thought that perhaps their diet had something to do with their good health and so collected some of their traditional recipes. She passed these recipes on to Angela who started eating the diet she knew from childhood. Angela lost weight and felt less tired.
Dr. Miller was thus inspired to explore other indigenous diets around the world and she found that they were associated with what she called "cold spots". Dr. Miller defines cold spots as "places or communities where there is an unusually low number of people suffering from a particular disease". Dr. Miller traveled to Crete, a cold spot for heart disease; Cameroon, a cold spot for colon cancer; Okinawa, a cold spot for breast and prostate cancers; Iceland, a cold spot for depression; and Copper Canyon Mexico, a cold spot for diabetes.
While each of these populations were cold spots for very different diseases, Dr. Miller found some commonalities in the indigenous diets that these populations of people were eating. She composed a list of nine key components that the diets shared:
1) Foods that are local, fresh, and in season.
2) Food cultivation techniques and recipes passed down through the ages.
3) Food traditions that include communal eating and eating for satiety rather than fullness (for example, the Okinawans only eat until they are 80% full).
4) Sugar that comes from natural foods: honey, fruits, vegetables.
5) Salt from natural unprocessed sources such as fish, sea greens and vegetables.
6) Naturally raised meat an dairy seen as a precious commodity (eaten in very small amounts as a condiment).
7) Nonmeat fats from whole nuts, seeds, grains, and fatty fruits; minimally processed oils such as olive, palm fruit, or coconut oil.
8) Fermented and pickled foods such as sauerkraut or yogurt.
9) Healing spices.
Dr. Miller also includes some of the indigenous diet recipes which she collected during her travels so that readers can try cooking them at home.
This is a great book which I highly recommend reading. I found it to be very inspiring and full of great ideas about how we can bring the wisdom of indigenous diets to our own meals. The key components of indigenous diets that Dr. Miller found are completely in sync with the latest nutrition research on what makes a healthy diet. This book shows why we really need to become less of a "packaged" food society and start looking for ways to eat the way our ancestors did (more local, whole foods). As Dr. Miller points out, I believe this holds the key to beating out current obesity epidemic, the skyrocketing diabetes rates, and will help us become a nation with less chronic disease. I know that this encourages me to continue to try and eat more "indigenously" every day!